I know I share almost zero with you all about my private life. For better or worse, I’ve never really taken Storyboard down that trail, however I feel remiss if I don’t explain myself a little bit a this point. You may have noticed that our posting has been less over the past oh so many months. Truth be told, I have two reasons for that…. One you might know of, the creation Aisle Society, which has wonderfully taken so much of my focus to create, build and launch along with some other truly amazing women.
Sasha Pivovarova and daughter Mia Isis
It is however, something all together different that has been changing in my life, over the passed 9 months. Nothing quite like the most obvious clue in the world right? Fortunately, for the last 8 of those months, things have been incredibly smooth sailing, a gift not many pregnant women get. Little to no sickness, nothing much but a small bump. I was able to motor along at full speed, even doing a styled shoot or two for some major campaigns. Month 8 however, saw a new side to the pregnancy. Things started to swell, never relenting, a flash sickness took hold, non-labor contractions threw me for a loop and a child that was ever so incredibly comfortable in the most uncomfortable breech position possible grew and grew. I realized very quickly that, in my last month of pregnancy, I over promised myself.
Tomorrow morning, at 8am, the very one thing I did not want to have happen above all, is happening. As I like to joke, I suppose to make myself feel better, a scheduled eviction of our daughter will begin. Yes, we are having a girl, and yes, I am having a C-section, the very one thing I did not want to happen when I got pregnant. The fact is that she is wholly undeliverable and there simply is no other way.
In the spirit of learning not to over promise myself, I’ll be taking a short break for the first two weeks of August. I have every hope to begin posting again starting August 15th, fingers crossed and sanity still intact. There is an incredible line up for the coming editorial calendar, shoots that I am so energized by and excited to cull and share with you. I am imagine over the next 2 weeks I’ll be finding myself with some down time, probably better known as zombie time, in which my little escape will be prepping these gorgeous features to share.
Over the next two weeks I’ll continuing sharing as I can on Instagram, because honestly, IG I can’t quit you. If you are not already following on Instagram, might I suggest you do! You might even see a sneak peek or two of the little….