Last year I touched on an issue that, as it turned out, there were some strong opinions on. Let me give you a quick recap, a la TV show 30 sec bring you up to speed montage. Our wedding was at the very end of August, after dealing with post wedding things, honeymoon, etc, we started to slide into the Holiday Season. My work, at the time, becomes extremely demanding, to put it mildly, around the holidays, so hand writing a billion Thank You’s was not really an option, at least not if we wanted to be timely. There in laid our paradox…. Be tardy and send the Thank You Cards after the holidays, OR Combine our Christmas Cards WITH our Thank You Cards.
At the time I decided I would take our indecision to a higher power, you guys! I whipped up a post {noted above} asking for your thoughts & feedback and I’ve got to be honest, most people were pretty down on the idea. I got a range of responses from its ‘cheaping out’ on our guests, to take the opportunity to use more then one awesome wedding photo. While we truly did hear what everyone had to say and where everyone was coming from, in the end, we combined them. When it comes to this matter, I really truly think, there is no hard & fast rule. Sending a Thank You is a flat out must, that goes without saying. The manner in which you do, well that becomes a bit of a gray area doesn’t it?
A final look at our holiday cards to our friends & family. Naturally I am showing you the final version minus the hand written Thank You’s. Those are private! 🙂
Our route of choice to solve this little matter was the following…. Firstly, we choose a gorgeous design from Minted {doesn’t seem to be available any longer}, which was pretty much the opposite of ‘cheaping out’. We chose a 4 page card, showing a total of 10 images and a large custom message area. Here we crafted a carefully worded note to our recipients, something that still allowed us to send this as a Holiday Card to those not a part of our wedding day.
We then turned this into the Thank You Card portion by hand writing {Yes we didnt escape this altogether} a short note on each, directly to the recipient, thanking them personally & specifically to their gift. When our guests received their cards, there was no mistaking that it was indeed a holiday card, but likewise that we had taken the time to remember them & personally let them know how much we valued their taking time to be at our wedding. While I realize this is far from traditional and not everyone’s idea of the right thing, this is what we did, & right or wrong, I really do not see this as a bad idea. We took the time to carefully create a gorgeous card, gave a personal seasonal message, as well as included a hand written note to each person. Things do not always need to stay the same year after year. If you take the time to come up with a classy, well crafted, new idea, there is nothing wrong with going that route. What do you guys think of our final product? Do you like our idea or wish we had kept to old school tradition?? I encourage everyone to be creative & equally expressive as they meet each of their wedding needs!
*All Photographs by Storyboard Wedding