A carnival engagement session or two has floated passed my desk in my time, but what makes each carnival inspired engagement session so unique is how it leaves the door wide open for each couple to put their finger print all over it.  Couples like Tyla & Bruce, when set in such a playful environment, simply can not help themselves.  The belly laughs start rolling, the joshing with each other takes hold, & even a spot of friendly competition comes to light.  While these are inevitables, its the intangibles that really shape a carnival session like style & attitude.  What I love about Tyla & Bruce’s session is how beautifully they play the understated glam card, a touch hipstery, but all kinds of quiet chic, a sweet pairing with such a colorful background.  Last but not least is how the artistic eye behind the lens can utterly define it, like Floridian wedding photographer  Shea Christine Photography, clearly not afraid to be in the Ferris Wheel or get into a bumper car, camera in hand, not just to get that shot, but ever searching for a unique angle or perspective to push it into the gorgeous.  Carnival engagement sessions truly can be a triple threat when the stars align, much like they did for Tyla & Bruce in this beautifully moody Florida engagement session!

*All Images by Shea Christine Photography