The idea of boudoir tends to get a way from us from time to time and drift into our own private versions of a Victoria Secret campaign.  What I mean by that is they become overly drenched in light, effects, photoshop to extreme and filter like qualities.  We drift from what these sessions are truly about, the essence of the person who is at center of the boudoir shoot itself.   Lena Peterson Photography is one of the photographers actively seeing a way back to the true roots of it all, capturing beautiful perfect moments of real life boudoir that truly shine a light on who a person is.  Perhaps its the home environment, a bit of attitude that shines through, even special moments of spontaneity that equal magic.  The dreaminess acheter viagra here is in the beauty of the moments, the natural light, the raw beauty to it all, each of which is pretty hard to argue with.  Real life boudoir is enchanting for its true story and when handled with care by someone that sees the beauty like Lena, the filters come off, the photoshop is put away and we become helplessly captivated.

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PhotographyLena Peterson Photography | Hair + Makeup: Pacific Brides